Dia Bondi - On Self Awareness and Asking Like an Auctioneer
In this week's Growth Edge leadership podcast episode, I sit down with leadership and communications coach, Dia Bondi, to dive into the importance of self-awareness and the art of "asking like an auctioneer.” Dia shares how these skills can empower you to step into opportunities, advocate for yourself, and get what you want in both personal and professional spheres.
Key Takeaways:
- Asking is one of the most overlooked and actively avoided success strategies.
- We MUST be willing to get rejected.
- The asks that feel the scariest that are also the ones that have the most potential.
- Price is a measure of value not worth.
- Purpose drives courage.
Tune In:
This episode is packed with insights on stepping into your power through self-awareness and mastering the art of the ask. Whether you’re negotiating at work or advocating for yourself in daily life, Dia’s strategies will leave you feeling empowered to pursue your goals with clarity and confidence.
Self-Awareness as a Foundation for Growth
- Dia emphasizes that knowing yourself—your strengths, weaknesses, and blind spots—is essential for any personal development.
- She explains how understanding your values and motivations allows you to make more intentional choices and communicate effectively.
Asking Like an Auctioneer
- Dia breaks down her unique approach to asking for what you need, whether that’s a raise, resources, or support.
- She explains the psychology of auctioneering and how it translates into assertive, clear communication.
- Key tips include being direct, creating urgency, and understanding that asking confidently invites others to say yes.
The Power of Intentional Asks
- Why being specific and purposeful in your requests can increase your chances of success.
- How an intentional ask can shift power dynamics in a positive way, making it easier for others to support you.
Overcoming the Fear of Rejection
- Asking can be daunting, and Dia addresses the fear of rejection head-on.
- She offers actionable advice on reframing rejection as a step toward growth and persistence.
Connect with Dia Bondi:
Website - www.diabondi.com
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/dia-bondi/
Email - [email protected]
Additional Resources:
Check out Dia’s book, Ask Like an Auctioneer: How to Ask for More and Get It https://www.amazon.com/Ask-Like-Auctioneer-How-More/dp/1637744129/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3AKVC52YIF68O&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.T76c1F-GccBZ-kFRZAhhDw.Vm-3hE5hVZ_FexidHUR9zTsMtkC8cqNBcfLvoq_vRrU&dib_tag=se&keywords=ask+like+an+auctioneer+by+dia+bondi&qid=1730139790&sprefix=ask+like+an+%2Caps%2C144&sr=8-1
Listen to Dia’s podcast, Lead with Who You Are