Talk With Laurie

Coach’s Corner 02, Managing Up

Season #2 Episode #19

This podcast shares the habits and practices of peak performers and top leaders, from many walks of life; physicians, senior executives, entrepreneurs, and academics. And from every season, from the seasoned and sage to those emerging leaders and rising rock stars. All who are blazing trails and shining a light for others.

Longtime attorney and executive coach Josh White believes strongly in the importance of “managing up” (or “coaching up”) as a practice for leaders at all levels to maximize their ability to contribute to their organizations. At the heart of this practice is relationships, says Josh, or more specifically, the desire and drive to prioritize building a good relationship with your manager or leader while helping your business or organization.

Not only does “coaching up” aid in building your personal growth, but it also enhances communication in the workplace and allows you to have valuable influence within your organization. At the same time, this skill highlights your leadership capabilities and may even lead to a promotion or evolution in your job responsibilities.

In addition to providing key actionable steps to manage up, Josh matter-of-factly tackles common myths and skeptics’ arguments. He explains why managers really do value employees who can manage up effectively and why coaching up is most certainly not sucking up. As Josh points out, committing to this practice allows you to put on your best business hat, acting as a good steward and adding value to your company, both essential attributes of emerging leaders at all levels.