Talk With Laurie

Carrie Koh — Transforming Toxic Environments

Season #3 Episode #15

Carrie Koh — Transforming Toxic Environments


Carrie Koh, a former Mayo Clinic healthcare executive, changed career paths after working through a family tragedy. During the healing process, priorities came into focus, and today she has a coaching and consulting business dedicated primarily to physicians and healthcare executives. Her expertise is in leadership, performance, and transforming toxic environments.

Carrie’s formula for success is mainly centered on focus, ownership, connection, and identity. By honing these areas, she’s helped individuals and organizations overcome difficult situations -- including toxic leadership and work environments -- and become more productive, more successful, more balanced, more fulfilled. 

In today’s episode you’ll learn:

  • About Carrie’s background
  • What is a coach and how the coaching relationship works
  • How to focus on what’s in your control and take ownership of your role in every circumstance
  • About vulnerability and connecting with others
  • How to clarify what you want and identify obstacles
  • The attributes of high-achieving individuals and leaders
  • Why self-care, including morning routines, is important
  • How to leverage community to sustain yourself and elevate possibilities around you
  • The warning signs and consequences of a toxic workplace
  • Why workplace quality metrics can remain high even in a toxic environment 
  • How to work in a toxic environment
  • What learning conversations are and how to have them
  • How to lead in a toxic environment
  • What Carrie is excited about in the upcoming new year and decade
  •  Carrie’s advice to her 25-year old self
  • Carrie’s favorite leadership books
  • Carrie’s favorite quote