Talk With Laurie

The Coachable Leader - The Case for Coachability

Season #9 Episode #2

In this week’s episode, we explore the business case for coachability, and what outcomes are produced when individuals are highly coachable. 


Like most anything that’s worthwhile in life, being a coachable leader doesn’t come naturally or easily or comfortably. But, the positive impact that’s achieved by coachable leaders is worth the effort.


When we think about coachability, I think it’s natural for a lot of well-established, successful, intelligent leaders to say “that’s not for me”, because they’re already in a solid or strong position. It’s easy to see that station that they’ve achieved in life as sustainable. But as Jim Collins says, “good is the enemy of great.”


Coahability is about realizing that our continued success requires our being open to learning from others, to confronting uncomfortable truths about ourselves, and to working hard to make necessary behavior changes in order to experience next level performance.


The most successful individuals see themselves as an evolving work in progress.


Coaching and coachability result in four primary outcomes; development, behavior change, performance, and promotability, and secondary positive impacts including improved resilience, well-being, innovation, and collaboration. 


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